

Renders a dropdown select box, check boxes or radio buttons with data provided via a comma separated list or from a method call


ftListNocomma separated list of values or variable:value pairs to appear in the drop down. e.g apple,orange,kiwi or APP:apple,ORA:orange,KIW:kiwi
ftListDataNoMethod call that must return a string in the same variable value pair format as the ftlist attribute OR a query containing the columns value & name. Method gets passed the objectid of the currently edited object as an argument. e.g apple,orange,kiwi or APP:apple,ORA:orange,KIW:kiwi or queryNew('value,name')
ftListDataTypenameNoSpecific typename to call ftlistdata method on.
ftRenderTypeNodropdowndropdown,checkbox,radioThe way the list will get rendered.
ftSelectMultipleNofalsetrue,falseused when ftRenderType=dropdown. It allows the user to select multiple items
ftClassNosets a class for the form element
ftstyleNoallows in line styles to be added to form element
ftMultipleLinesNotruetrue,falsefor radio and checkbox only, adds a break between each checkox or radio button