

This tag provides "anonymous comparison function" sorting functionality using the quick sort algorithm. It is useful for situations where the sort definition is too complex for the native functions. The quick sort algorithm has been abstracted so that the comparisons between items can be performed by the code enclosed by the tag. That code is executed for each comparison. Note: This tag DOES alter array type source sets.



This example sorts an array by the maximum of two struct variables:
<cfset values = arraynew(1) />
<cfset values[1] = structnew() />
<cfset values[1].a = 10 />
<cfset values[1].b = 30 />

<cfset values[2] = structnew() />
<cfset values[2].a = 25 />
<cfset values[2].b = 5 />

<cfset values[3] = structnew() />
<cfset values[3].a = 15 />
<cfset values[3].b = 20 />

<misc:sort values="#values#">
    <cfset sendback = max(value2.a,value2.b) - max(value1.a,value1.b) />
<cfdump var="#result#" />


Name Type Required Default Options Description
values string No The source set. Can be a list, array, or struct.
value1 string No value1 The variable that will contain the first value to be compared for an iteration. Defaults to "value1"
value2 string No value2 The variable that will contain the second value to be compared for an iteration. Defaults to "value2"
sendback string No sendback The variable that will contain the result of the comparison. Should be set to 0 for "equal" values, less than 0 if the first value is "less" than the second, and more than 0 if the first value is "more" than the second. Defaults to "sendback"
result string No result The result of the sort. For lists and arrays this is the sorted set. For structs this is an ordered list of keys.